Coolness increases an individual’s possibility of winning internet poker games, according to a different study.
Unlike most gambling games, poker is not nearly chance because it involves the opportunity to regulate feelings making quality choices according to skill and understanding.
After watching emotionality, level of experience and success among internet poker gamers, scientists discovered that emotional stability is both a predictive and enabling element in success in poker. Further says experienced and effective poker gamers were considerably more prone to exhibit emotional stability.
Other findings says poker gamers preferring to experience personally instead of online may be extroverted and experimental.
“Previous research has proven that internet poker gamers are usually introverted people which individuals who perform better at poker are less neurotic,” Editor-in-Chief Brenda K. Wiederhold, PhD, Master of business administration, BCB, BCN, Interactive Media Institute, North Park, California, stated inside a news release. “This research, however, takes research one step further by evaluating offline and online gamers.”
The findings were released within the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Media.